Conservation Brew #2

Conservation Brew in support of the @thewilderinstitute

This time we are spreading the word about the Vancouver Island marmot, a mammal whose population declined precipitously in the 1990s. By 2003, approximately 30 individuals remained in the wild. Subsequent captive breeding and reintroduction efforts prevented the imminent extinction of the species, but it remains endangered and is threatened by ongoing habitat alteration, predation, and climate change.⁣

The Wilder Institute is one of three facilities breeding marmots for release in the wild. They work with the Marmot Recovery Foundation to release marmots born at the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo on Vancouver Island. Over 500 captive-bred marmots have been released into the wild and thanks to their combined efforts, the wild Vancouver Island marmots population has grown to over 200.⁣

Artwork: @stonegrowth


2022 Alberta Brewing Awards


PakTech Recycling Program